Thursday 9 June 2011


I started this blog purely for a way for me to be overly excited about good things in my life, or bitch about the crappy things.

There are currently 2 people I know of that follow my those two people I want to say that I am really flattered that you make the time to see what I have to say. It's a quality that I hope to have in my future husband one day, and the two of you...well, really, thanks.

And I am pleasantly surprised by the fact that my blog has had over 100 views. If it is only from Aneesa and Sirferaaz, well, thanks again guys-it's really nice to know that there are people who find me interesting (or at the very least, amusing).
And if my blog is viewed by people I don't know, well, I hope that some of my ravings inspire you all in some way.