Monday 6 June 2011


Yesterday was Sunday...and I haven't spent a Sunday in such a relaxing way in a very long time.
I got up, cleaned my room, helped my mom with lunch, showered and ate lunch and after I had settled my mom in front of the TV with her Sudoku, tea and sweets, I went upstairs to my room and proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening watching all my series and movies updates.

So while I was watching this one movie, one of the characters in the movie asks the question, "What happened to romance?" And I've been asking myself the same question for a while now.
If I look at couples today, it saddens me to see how guys and girls have lost the art of romancing the person that they supposedly love.

I've only had one real experience with a boyfriend situation. I was in my final year at high school, and was 'dating' this guy. I put dating in quotes because I'm not allowed to date (my religion forbids it) but when you're 16 and a guy commits himself to you emotionally, you're together.
The guy I was with, well, he wasn't really fact, if I think of my personal preferences when it comes to the physical attributes in guys, the only thing he did have that I liked was that he was taller than me and he smelled nice. But, he was absolutely romantic.
We were at the same school, but not in the same class, and for the year that we were together, I used to get hand-written letters (which i absolutely LOVE) almost everyday. I had a box that I kept his letters in and I still had the box for a while after we broke up - the box smelled like him until the day I decided to get rid of it, 5 years later. The things he used to tell me in those letters...every second letter I received from him had an extract from some romantic poem he'd read, or that he'd made up himself.
We had a fight once, and to say sorry, he gave me 3 handpicked garden roses - those ones that don't look as perfect as the greenhouse roses, but that smelled absolutely divine.

I think with the advance of technology, people have lost the ability to communicate with each other in person.
Girls today get excited by texts that they receive from guys (texts that have atrocious spelling and generic messages), by how expensive a gift is rather than by how much thought went into it...

It's actually really sad.
And definitely something I won't settle for.

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