Monday 21 March 2016

A-Z Blogger Challenge 2016 - Headphones

I really miss commuting on the bus. I’ve been driving for about a year now. The last three months though has put me off driving completely – I feel like I spend more time in my car than anywhere else, my travelling expenses have increased quite a bit, I’m becoming lax with managing a time schedule, and the fact that I have to think for stupid drivers on the road stresses me out.

My mornings used to be so calm and chilled. I’d wake up, pray, dress and leave home while it was still dark (particularly in winter). I live in a very beautiful city, in one of the more beautiful parts of the city, and my trip to work used to start off with a 20 minute walk to the bus station. It’s the part of the day I miss the most – just popping in my headphones as I leave my house.

A colleague of mine starts her day with affirmations. She pastes them on her mirror and recites them to herself every morning. Music was my affirmation. I had a playlist that I listened to every morning on my way to work. Some songs were funny, some very sexy, some inspired confidence. It ensured that I left home feeling great about myself and walked into my office smiling every morning.

My playlist has been transferred to my car stereo, and yet, it does not have quite the same effect. I pop my headphones in when I clean, when I exercise…and even with these activities, it’s not the same when there are no headphones involved.

My theory: when you plug them into your ears, you not only amplify the sound but you also block out the rest of the world – distractions, disappointments, discouragement, they are all drowned out by the beat in your ears, the lyrics that touch your soul, that give you confidence, make you laugh, give you energy, give you inspiration…

So, when I need to get through cleaning my car, forty minutes on the treadmill, or when I just need a pick me up or a break from life, I pop those little black buds in and get lost in the chosen soundtrack of my life.

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