Wednesday 15 April 2015

E is for Envy

“Envy is the ulcer of the soul.” – Socrates

“Blowing out the other person’s candle will not make yours shine brighter…”

I’m one of those mental characters who celebrates others’ good fortune more than those persons themselves, and what grates on me is when people cannot be happy for the success of another.

Envy is an emotion which is natural in everyone. Wikipedia describe it as occurring “when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement or possession and either desires it or wishes the other lacked it”.

I do not have a problem with desiring to possess good that I see in others for myself, be it in qualities, achievements or possessions. A moderate dose of envy could be a motivating factor or catalyst to achieving your goals. Those who have achieved more than me inspire me to be more than I am. But I am not going to injure another in order to gain, nor am I going to wish misfortune on those who have what I want or desire.

It is absolutely exhausting to be envious of another person.
At the end of it all, the envier is more affected by it than the one envied.  

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