Sunday 3 May 2015

Z is for Zeal

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I don’t have many ‘great’ achievements, but I try to generally live my life by this philosophy. I have a zealous approach to all things – be it work, relationships, leisure. It does tend to exasperate most - even my best friend sometimes tells me to dial it down a bit– and usually elicit one of the following three reactions: people are either annoyed, or find me naïve, or take liberties (especially at work, coz I get shit done).

But I can’t help it. And I’ve stopped apologising for it. I am an upbeat person. I also live by my mother’s teaching, which is, “If you do something, especially for others, do it properly and because you want to, or don’t do it at all”. So, whether it is cleaning a kitchen, teaching a class, organising a party, studying for a test or nursing a sick parent, I do it readily and cheerfully.

My enthusiastic nature and MO may not have resulted in greatness, but it has brought me many achievements and happiness.

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