Monday 4 March 2013

How do you keep yourself from hoping?

So right after I appraised my 'special friend' of my feelings for him, I prepared myself for the worst.
I'm happy I did it, because regardless of his decision, I am going to get either confirmation or closure...and honestly, either is acceptable because it will make it easier for me to move along without regrets.

A week went by after that evening with no word from him, and I interpreted his silence as a 'no'. I had actually started...mourning (for lack of a better word).

And then, one evening after I had completed my evening prayers, I saw a message on my phone. The only person that sends me messages via Whatsapp that time of the evening is one of my colleagues, so you can imagine my surprise to see his name. The message read something like this...

"I am really sorry for replying now only, but I had to really think before replying. I am still thinking how to answer on your sweet message, so please give me a little time to respond. Hope you understand, my life has been very up and down but we'll chat soon.."

Very diplomatic, very honest (which I appreciate).
My only problem is my overly optimistic nature.
How do I keep myself from hoping for too much, for hoping for anything really?

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