Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Idea of the perfect one

I am of the belief that two people (as in a man and woman) cannot claim to love each other, really love each other, unless they are married and have lived with each other, faults, shortcomings, weird quirks and all. After all, if you can accept and live with someone else's weirdness and still manage to see what is good and beautiful in that person, then I would most certainly believe you when you say that you truly love him/her.

What is it about people that attracts others in the first place?

I find myself in a situation where I can answer the above question with this: It is the IDEA of someone or something involving that someone.

Someone very close to me, indeed someone I look up to as a parent figure, suggested a person that they felt would be perfect for me. This was a few months ago and now I find myself so attracted to the idea of this person...it makes my heart actually quicken when I think of him.

The problem, however, is that we are not in control of what we want to happen...

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