Tuesday 11 October 2011

Ignorance is not bliss

I have become quite a fan of Twitter.
A lot of the people I follow, do not know me in person (in fact, only about 10 of the 34 actually do).
But most of them I follow because they have quirky and hilarious things to say (I like to laugh).
And I think it's a better forum for people to just...say what they're thinking.

This past week, I acquired a new follower. To my immense surprise, it is a radio DJ who is famous (or infamous?) for giving his opinions in a very straightforward manner.
Do I always agree with him? Not at all. Do I think that he needs to find out more about certain things? Definitely, yes-but we are all learning new things every day.
But what I like his honesty-and in today's society where honesty is a rare commodity, it is refreshing for me to see a 'celebrity' who isn't afraid to rock the boat.

But I'm beginning to digress.
So, this person started off by posting some of my tweets to his followers (for those of you who do not use Twitter, this is called re-tweeting) and 2 comments from 2 other individuals just irritated me this week...

Comment 1 (to me directly): Why am I, a 'decent, burka wearing Muslim female' on Twitter?
Comment 2 (to this DJ): Why is he retweeting tweets from someone wearing hijab (proper dress for Muslim women)?

I would like educate those of you who DON'T know on certain things regarding the dress of a Muslim woman.

1. According to the Qur'an and Hadith (sayings of our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.) a woman is required to cover herself when she reaches puberty. The only parts of her body that is allowed to be visible are her face and hands.

2. Women who cover themselves completely (face and hands included) do so because of their CULTURE (and this is not necessarily a bad thing) and they do so BY CHOICE.

Why is it, that when a nun covers herself because of her religious vows, she is looked up to and admired because she is devoting herself to God, but when a Muslim woman does exactly the same thing, she is called oppressed?

Why is it that a Rastafarian can smoke weed because it is part of their religion/culture (bearing in mind what the effect of this 'cultural practice' is)-but when a woman covers herself to protect herself from the stares of other men and to reserve her beauty for her husband, her culture is backward.

Really people, before you express an opinion about something of which you have no knowledge, go and do your homework.

Ignorance is not bliss.


  1. Great post! Just really great! - Anu

  2. I admire how your blog represents what you believe in, while portraying the truth about Islam :)
