Wednesday 25 May 2011


I like this colour!

I finally made it to the cinema 3 days ago. My dad told us 3 weeks ago that my sister and I have to cook on a Sunday so that we can give my mom a break. Not a problem-I like being in the kitchen.
So after we made lunch, we got in the car and went to watch Thor.
Very nice movie...lots of action, hot guys to look at, little bit of romance (not enough in my opinion)...I really enjoyed it. But my sister had some issues. She doesn't like the whole watching in 3D (neither do I, come to think of it-3D freaks the hell out of me).

And so I asked some people who have also watched whether they liked the movie or not. And I got answers like, "the CGI looks too fake" "the story is not realistic".
When people say that, it always makes me wonder why they watch movies in the first place.
Movies, are supposed to be for entertainment. For relaxation. To break away from the stress of real life and lose yourself in something completely unrealistic. Why do people think that "good" movies are the ones that are the most realistic...who decided that?

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh! I like this color too. And now I'm finally caught up!
