Thursday 2 July 2015

Photo Blog Challenge: Day 4 - Turning Point

My job description has changed almost every year since I've been employed at my present school.
In 2010 (the year I started) I was employed to assist the school librarian, to help with remedial mathematics and to assist the two school secretaries with menial things like filing and duplication. Since then I have taught EMS (Economic and Management Sciences), History, Geography and Art, and for the last two and a half years, I've been doing financial administration.

The most difficult thing I've had to do these past five and a half years was teach Art. I don't have an artistic bone in my body. I can't draw for shit, I don't paint really well, I cannot build or construct things. The extent of my artistic talent ends in organising an office space.
I was asked to teach this subject because the usual teacher had taken early retirement, and this woman did not leave a single lesson plan or guideline for me to follow. So, Google became my best friend and I spent that year researching things to do in a Grade 4 Art class.

To my unending surprise, my children responded well to the things I asked them to do. As I had a room specifically designated for me to use, I could display their offerings (as you can see in the middle picture above - that room was my solace and joy). That specific year was a turning point for me as professional.

Since then, I have had to face some weird challenges at work, many times involving things I had no experience of or training for. And thankfully, I have managed to handle myself (and in some cases, managed to avert or overcome catastrophes).

I am on the cusp of leaving my present job in pursuit of a completely different career path. I do not have a 100% solid plan yet, and yes, I am scared of the change. But I'm not scared enough to back out of my decision.

I had always been afraid to make a mistake at work. I had little to no faith in my abilities to fix my mistakes or in my ability to learn from them. It took a fourth grade Art class and two years of psycho-therapy for me to realize that I was holding myself back.

So, I may not know exactly which direction I am going to be turning to. I do know, that which ever way it is, I WILL hit the ground running.

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