Saturday 14 September 2013


My sister and her husband have gone for pilgrimage. They left four days ago and will be home in five weeks' time. They have two children - an eight-year old daughter and a four year-old son - who are staying with us while their parents are away.
Each of them has their favourite - my niece loves my sister and my nephew is fond of me. So each of us have adopted one to focus on for the next five weeks. And my one is the one that requires the most physical attention and energy.
I have a newfound respect for mothers...more especially working mothers who still manage to do a decent job of raising their kids, but all mothers who make a concerted effort in the raising of their kids. It is a job that requires copious amounts of physical energy as well as an inexhaustible supply of patience.
I more fully understand why mothers are given such a high position in Islam...their jobs are difficult.
But when my nephew jumps into my arms every day when I come from work with a smile, hug and kiss for me and says, "How are you Tietie?" I melt...and become envious of the women who have the privilege to be mothers.

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