Friday, 20 June 2014

Making peace with certain realities

I read a blog post on this lady who is having some trouble with finding the right guy (sista, you ain't the only one with that problem).
The following was a comment I left..and I hope it helped somewhat.
What I have made peace with regarding men….
1. Check lists - My signal for when a guy has managed to attract me is, literally, a gut feeling…seismic activity in my belly, and sometimes triggered by someone who has none of the qualities on my ‘check list’…so much so, that the only thing on my check list right now is “Causes seismic activity belly”. Check-lists are for children.
2. Learn to love yourself…it shows (and no, not in the annoying, I-am-so-perfect-whats-not-to-love way)...Others will see it (hopefully the right ones) and respond to it..
3. Multi-faceted - It may not be in God’s plan for your to experience that kind of love in this life. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s so much more to ourselves than we realise... And while we may not be someone's girlfriend or wife, we are so many things to so many different roles that are equally as, if not more important. Embrace and be proud of what you are right now!
Having said all of the above, it would be lovely to love someone and be loved in return, so do not be afraid to ask Him for what you want…
Who knows, you just might get it

Thursday, 12 June 2014

small things that make life beautiful

For the past two weeks, I've been having random experiences...

We took our netball girls for a fixture at a very poor school in a dangerous neighbouring area. Not only were we well received, after all the matches were done, the educators of the school offered our learners and educators oranges. A small gesture, but our learners were so touched...and even scolded us for not doing the same.
The following day, one of the learners in the above mentioned squad came to the office and brought me a packet of naartjies...all because I mentioned the previous day that they were my favourite citrus fruit.

On my walk from the bus-stop to school one morning, I didn't realise that my new cellphone had fallen out of my bag...and a gentleman drove behind me to tell me that I'd dropped it. On walking back to look for it, another gentleman came up to me with my phone in his hand.

My father came home one afternoon from his weekly business shop with a tub full of liquorice...because he knows its one of my favourites.

Not exactly life changing events and quite random, but connected by a synonymous theme which, in my opinion, is one of the things that make life truly amazing and beautiful...Kindness