As we come to the end of Ramadhan, it is always good to reflect on the past month and what lessons we can take from it going forward.
The school I work for was very fortunate to have been part of something truly amazing and beautiful this year. Our headmaster was approached by a group of philanthropists and asked whether they could run a food kitchen from our school premises for every night of the fast - so that they could invite the less fortunate families in the area for a meal.
A colleague remarked to me today that this month made her more aware of certain realities. Things we are aware of, but maybe not very consciously so. And she said to me that through this endeavour, and through witnessing the atrocities being committed in Gaza, it really hit home how bad some of these families' circumstances were, and what extremely privileged lives we lead.
It echoed what I have been feeling for a very long time...that our lives are a luxury compared to many others. Do we really need half of the things we have? Do we have the right to complain? About anything?
I will keep asking myself these questions.
And my intention going forward, bearing in mind that there are hoards of people with so much less than I have, is to try and simplify my life as much as possible...and to be inordinately grateful for all that I have.