[ in-uh-vey-shuhn]
1. something new or different introduced.
2. the act of innovating – introduction of new things or methods. (
second definition is quite appropriate for engineers. It is, after all, what
they do – constantly try to discover new ways to improve the world.
But does
it follow that every new thing or method will work for every single person and
place on our planet? History has shown that it does not.
Can every
country on earth afford to implement the same kind of innovation? Once again,
no, they cannot.
And does
every innovation succeed in its purpose to improve on something? Not always.
Wednesday, 3 June 2013, SAWomEng held its fourth annual @Network Cocktail Evening.
Yes, one of its purposes is to be an exercise in networking – professionals
from different sectors coming together.
What distinguished
this event was that its theme was not intended to dictate your dress code; rather
to steer your way of thinking towards a particular vision – Innovation in Africa.
On the
panel for the evening: Carlos de Figueiredo, an IBM executive; Dr Elizabeth
Rasekoala, chemical engineer with 20 years’ experience in the Oil and Gas
industry; Rashiq Fataar, founder and managing director of Future Cape Town; and
Sarah O’ Carroll, industry analyst for Frost and Sullivan. After a welcome by
co-founder, Naadiya Moosajee, the floor was handed over to Mabohlale Addae, fellow co-founder of SAWomEng, to chair the panel discussion.
Each of
the panelists gave valid opening remarks, however, it was the statements from
the ladies on the panel that particularly resonated with me...firstly, that
innovation on Africa should be contextualised for its unique people, circumstances
and needs, and should not be ‘cut and paste from the Eurocentric paradigm’; and
secondly, that innovation should start on a small scale, by ordinary people
improving the mundane things in their lives.
To see
anything fulfill its intended purpose is immensely satisfying and once the
audience members joined the discussion, @Network was at work.
It was
great to see and hear from people from seemingly unrelated industries share
their unique perspectives on the topic and simultaneously impart some unspoken
truths – innovation is not owned by government or corporate bodies, nor does
one need a diploma or degree to be innovative; we are all interdependent for the
growth and advancement of our country and continent, and need to learn to share
and collaborate; and as long as we remain consumers of Western innovation, we
will never be able to innovate for our own country.
continent faces some extreme challenges. We continue to take advice from people
who do not live here, nor face the same challenges we do, when we have an
abundance of educated and energetic young people who are better equipped to
face and overcome those challenges.
I found
myself, in spite of myself, thinking about ways in which I could be
innovative...things I could do in my home and in my work place. I found myself
no longer content to just live in the present, to amble on in the comfortable
little world that I’ve built for myself and remain blissfully oblivious to what
is happening on my doorstep. I was forced to look to tomorrow...and how I could
play a role in making it better than today.
lessons I came away with that evening are encapsulated in the following:
and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what
you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.” – William Pollard
practice of R and D involves making mistakes, realizations, corrections and
more mistakes. Trial and error is a fundamental part of the process. Too many
managers in corporate America learn to avoid invention and new thinking because
they have been convinced that their careers depend upon not making mistakes.” –
Tom Huff
In light
of this particular evening and the above two quotes, I’d like to put forth my
new definition for ‘innovation’: Observe. Learn. Realize. Correct...And repeat.
PS: If you're reading this now and would like to see the amazing work this organisation does or if you'd like to get involved, pop over to