Thursday, 29 November 2012

The Dark Knight Rises


So....I've been indulging myself. I spent last Saturday and Sunday evening catching up on movies that I've missed, and also some of my very old favourites.
A real surprise was the new Batman movie.
Now, I love my action movies (especially the ones based on the classic comic books). But when Christian Bale got the part of Batman, I was a little skeptical. And I think I'm only of the only people in the world who did not watch The Dark Knight (I loved Heath Ledger, but he freaked me out and I just never watched it).


The Dark Knight Rises was....simply awesome.
For a few reasons.

1. The support cast was amazing. Bane was freaky, Fox was his usual cool self :)), Alfred was his usual dry self :))). Really really excellent supporting cast.

2. Catwoman. Now, Michelle Pheiffer is a legend. No one can emulate her as Catwoman.
But I have to say, Anne Hathaway did an AMAZING job in transforming into Catwoman. And I love that she didn't try and be like Michelle Pheiffer. She totally made the character new and fresh and KICK-ASS.
And while the chemistry between Christian and Marion was sizzling, I actually liked the banter between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle...and the fact that she can kick his ass :)
Seline Kyle - Catwoman

3. The man himself. Like I said, I wasn't really a huge fan of his (and not because of his acting ability because I happen to think he's an amazing actor-I just think he has too much emotional shit in real life and takes his work waayyyy too seriously). But this movie converted me. Damn, but he is fine.

4. And last but definitely NOT least....


Friday, 23 November 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Part 2 (?)

Let me first say, to my bestie and my baby sis, THANK YOU for going with me to watch it.
I was in a really bad space and was in desperate need of a girls' day.

Breaking Dawn Part 2 was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG, I was lauging, and biting my nails, and gasping, and wanting to cry.....
I went through every emotion that I felt the very first time I watched Twilight.
I was excited when the movie started, to see Bella have vampire vision for the first time, and when Emmett arm-wrestled her and lost, and when she was learning to use her shield.
I wanted to cheer loudly when Edward ripped her clothing off in their new bedroom.
I laughed when Bella scolded and attacked Jacob for imprinting on Renesmee.
I was anxious when Irina went to the Volturi and the Cullens started their training.
I almost died when I saw that epic battle scene and Jasper and Carlisle dying (!!!).

And I melted, was excited, fell in love (all at once) when Bella retracted her shield to allow Edward to read her mind.

It was....the perfect ending.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Being grown up is hard

I feel like someone who's been submerged in the ocean for a very long time and has just come up for her first breath of air. But the waves are still coming and somehow, the breath I just took doesn't seem like it is enough to sustain me till I somehow get to shore.

Some of our older learners at school will sometimes come and sit in my classroom during one of the intervals, or when their teachers are not at school and I have a free period. They'll come and chat about their lives, the things that happen at school...and as most teenagers do, 90% of what they talk to me about are complaints.
Some days I tolerate it, well, most days. I was a teenager once, and I know that things can seem much bigger than they really are in the mind of an adolescent.

But some days, like the whole of this week, I feel like smacking them. Because they don't realise how easy life is for you when you're young.
Obviously, I do not mean those who find themselves in extremely trying situations...I mean, we have some kids who has alcoholic parents, parents who do drugs in front of them, kids with health problems...the list goes on. And some of these that I've just mentioned, have to, at 12 and 13 years old, be the adults in their families. So, yeah, I get that people sometimes have really hectic problems.

But most of these kids are just so spoiled, and bitch and moan about some of the most unbelievable stupid shit. And I think to myself, 'you little brats don't know what you're in for'. Because life gets so much harder when you grow older.

My sister once told me that we should live our lives with no regrets...not even of the things that we've done wrong in our lives...because then we would be doubting God's plan for us. And I whole-heartedly agree.

But sometimes I wish we didn't have to grow up.