So....I've been indulging myself. I spent last Saturday and Sunday evening catching up on movies that I've missed, and also some of my very old favourites.
A real surprise was the new Batman movie.
Now, I love my action movies (especially the ones based on the classic comic books). But when Christian Bale got the part of Batman, I was a little skeptical. And I think I'm only of the only people in the world who did not watch The Dark Knight (I loved Heath Ledger, but he freaked me out and I just never watched it).
The Dark Knight Rises was....simply awesome.
For a few reasons.
1. The support cast was amazing. Bane was freaky, Fox was his usual cool self :)), Alfred was his usual dry self :))). Really really excellent supporting cast.
2. Catwoman. Now, Michelle Pheiffer is a legend. No one can emulate her as Catwoman.
But I have to say, Anne Hathaway did an AMAZING job in transforming into Catwoman. And I love that she didn't try and be like Michelle Pheiffer. She totally made the character new and fresh and KICK-ASS.
And while the chemistry between Christian and Marion was sizzling, I actually liked the banter between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle...and the fact that she can kick his ass :)
Seline Kyle - Catwoman |

4. And last but definitely NOT least....