Tuesday, 22 November 2011

not a smooth criminal

The past two weeks have been ones of discovery for me.

I have discovered that I am a magnet for unavailable and inappropriate men...and that I do not handle male attention as well as I thought.

The two types of male attention I received are as follows:
1. Inappropriate: 24 years old (I am almost 29), very poorly educated, can't seem to hold down a steady job....but most inappropriate, recently fathered a child out of wedlock. This all adds to the fact that I do not find this individual attractive at all.

2. Also 24 (I feel like a damn cougar) but more responsible than no. 1 above...has a steady job, very gentlemanly manners, loves his family, no kids...and SMOKING HOT.
Unfortunately, we are of different religions, and this definitely makes him unavailable to me (or me to him, as is the case, as he asked if he could as me out).

I handled no.1 pretty well - just keep him at a very safe distance.

No. 2 - I completely freaked out when he indicated that he was interested.

So...not as smooth as I thought I was