Sunday, 14 August 2011


We’re halfway through Ramadaan.
When you first start fasting as a child, the only thing that you really feel is the fact that you cannot eat or drink from sunrise to sunset for 29 or 30 consecutive days.
As you grow older, other things regarding this month become more evident. You are required to check your mood and temper more, the amount of time that you save not eating and drinking (it’s amazing how much time we spend on that!) should be used to increase your acts of worship – more prayer, more recitation of the Qur’an, more remembrance of God.

I have to say, my appreciation and understanding of what this month really should be for a Muslim has only come to me in recent years. And even though I have a better understanding of what is required of me, I will admit that there are times where it can be a struggle. But I suppose that all true sacrifices should be a struggle.

This year, someone pointed out to me that Ramadaan is also a month that strips you of your pretentions, and that the realities of one’s life become much clearer.
I have discovered that to be very true. There are things in my life that I knew were there, but refused to accept, and I have been forced to acknowledge and accept that these things exist and that my life is not exactly what I want it to be.

My dilemma right now is this: how do tell the difference between what I can change and what I have to accept?

Friday, 5 August 2011

Ramadaan and the flu

As the title of this post reads, that is where I find myself at this moment...
Fifth day of Ramadaan, and I am sick as a the extent where I have absolutely no voice and therefore have to rely on my 'other voice' to say what I think and feel.

Yesterday and today are the first actual winter days we've had in like a month. And we're supposed to be in our last month of winter. The change of weather has, I think, impacted greatly on me being sick right now. The weather and a few other things as well.
Having said all of the above, despite my flu, I've actually been finding it quite easy to fast. I don't feel hungry at all, I have no headaches...the only thing that has been disappointing is that I've been too drained at night to go to mosque for Taraaweeh (for any non-Muslim following this blog, Taraaweeh is a specific prayer that we pray only during the month of Ramadaan...yes, this is in addition to our normal daily 5...where in the prayer throughout the month, we attempt to finish the recitation of the entire Qur'an).

Usually, this month tends to fly by for me...but I'm happy to say that the last 5 days have progressed at a very nice relaxed pace for me...I feel like I have all the time in the world to do the things that I need to do...(makes one think of how much time we spend eating).